Introducing an Approach For Pioneering 22nd Century Wealth Management

Merritt Point Wealth Advisors prides itself on thinking laterally. Our team welcomes the chance to more deeply analyze market data to discover opportunities to zig while others might feel comfortable zagging.

This inner drive, distinctive mindset and our cohesive diversity are core tenants we believe give us an industry edge.

Because daring to set a new standard might just manifest special results for all.

Our Founders

Jason Andrews

Jason Andrews, CRPC®

Founder, CEO

Ross Bauer

Ross Bauer

Founder, COO

Beth Cutler

Beth Cutler

Founder, President

Investing Leaders and Relationship Managers

Michael Salimbene

Michael Salimbene

Executive Managing Director, Partner
Wealth Advisor - Senior PIM Portfolio Manager

Anthony D'Ambrosio

Anthony D'Ambrosio

Executive Managing Director, Partner
Wealth Advisor - Senior PIM Portfolio Manager

Sheila Spicehandler

Sheila Spicehandler

Senior Vice President

Jonathan Nuzzaci

Jonathan Nuzzaci

Executive Director – Investments

David Belport

David C. Belport, MBA, CIMA®

Managing Director - Investments Senior PIM Portfolio Manager

Steven Belport

Steven Belport

Senior Vice President - Investments

Ingrid Dikmen

Ingrid Dikmen

Senior Vice President - Investments
Senior PIM Portfolio Manager

Dan Dodderidge

Dan Dodderidge, RICP®

Executive Vice President – Investments

Ted Youngling

Ted Youngling

Executive Vice President – Investments

Larry Baker

Larry Baker

Senior Vice President

Dee Lawrence

Dee Lawrence

Executive Vice President – Investments

Andrew Pillarella

Andrew Pillarella

Vice President - Investments

roberta anderson

Roberta Anderson, CFP®

Vice President - Investments

Rob Schaefer

Rob Schaefer, CFP®

Senior Wealth Planning Strategist

Alex Mills

Alex Mills

Vice President, Head of Operations

Michelle D'Ambrosio

Michelle D'Ambrosio

Senior Associate, Team Administrator

Kate Welch

Kate Welch

Wealth Strategist

Matthew Muzyka

Matthew Muzyka

Senior Associate

Samantha Belport

Samantha Belport

Senior Associate

Emma Gerchberg

Emma Gerchberg

Senior Associate

Olivia Negri

Olivia Negri


 Jenna Signorile

Jenna Signorile



We will help you find your path to financial well-being. But only you can take the first step. Please fill out the form below to start a dialogue with one of our wealth advisors.